Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

Boost Your Mood: Navigating Uncertainty with Resilience

 There is so much going on these days that is so easy to get swept into the chaos of not knowing what’s next. It’s normal to feel unsettled, uncertain or a little blue. What to do?


Give Yourself Permission

  • To not have the answers
  • To rest
  • To be human
  • To be compassionate with yourself
  • To know that you are not weak; you are recalibrating.


Remind Yourself to attend to your nervous system. That can mean taking deep breaths, into your belly area (diaphragmatic breathing), and allow th...

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Unlocking Real Power: 7 Ways to Empower Yourself and Others

These days, we cannot help but see power politics being played out in real life. But what is REAL power? Is it about taking agency for one’s life,  and empowering rather than overpowering others?  Do you agree with the quote, "Power over others is weakness disguised as strength." – Eckhart Tolle


How can positive power be incorporated into daily living?

Especially as we get older, and have a greater sense of who we are, real power is deeply rooted in character, personal values, and the wisdo...

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From Chaos to Calm

We are living in unusual times, times of uncertainty and collective stress. It can be challenging to keep an even keel, when the waves around us are so turbulent. But the good news is there are ways to keep on our course, no matter what.


Start with where you are: Come into a place of safety. Ask yourself am I feeling safe in this moment – yes. Can I breathe into this moment. Yes. Feel your feet on the ground, your seat on the chair. You are here now, and it is OK. Yes. Inhale for a count of ...

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Freedom from Anxiety checklist

As stresses rise, it's good to have a few go-to tools to bring the pressure d-o-w-n... Here's a checklist to have at your fingertips of proven ways to realign and come back to yourself.


1. Limit Exposure:

  • Reduce screen and news time.
  • Set specific times to check news or social media.
  • Create device-free zones or times in your day.



2. Practice Present-Moment Awareness:

  • Ask yourself grounding questions:
    • Am I safe in this moment?
    • What can I control right now?
    • Will worrying c
    • ...
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Holiday Harmony: 10 Ways to Protect Your Peace

When the outside world is challenging and chaotic, that may be the best time to go inside to find our anchors and our peace. With that in mind, here are some simple reminders to amplify the good and make this holiday one that recharges the soul.


  1. Embrace Imperfection: Don’t try to make things perfect – there’s no such thing. If you are hosting, give people jobs, like: you set the table, you make the salad – it doesn’t have to be all on your shoulders. Choose music that keeps things rolling
  2. ...
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You Are Not Crazy: Your Brain on Menopause


What if menopause was designed to have you know yourself better, shift your priories, and move into a more empowered version of yourself?


If you are on your menopause journey, there are a few things that you need to know. You are not losing it; you’re not going crazy. There are reasons for the brain fog, hot flashes, and moodiness that are based in your biology. This is not random.


And there are ways to navigate through. This stage is not a life sentence, and this does not preclude yo...

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Natural Menopause Relief: How to Ease Your Symptoms

If you’ve had an unexplained weight gain, and let's not forget the hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness, body aches, and my personal favorite, brain fog, the good news is that  there are natural ways to help navigate this unpredictable time.


This host of hormone induced changes can show up gradually or all at once, and there's no denying when they are here. While hormone fluctuations in adolescence or pregnancy,  are widely expected and accepted, menopause, often causes feelings of emba...

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6 Qualities of the Self-Empowered

When you’re at, nearing or above 40, there’s usually a LOT going on in your life: you may feel you never have time for yourself, you’re always putting out fires, and your body is doing a number like you’ve never experienced. Today we’ll texplore all of these as we talk about taking your power and your energy back.


Though we often use the term self-care. I want to say that in this conversation, self-care is not just about taking a bubble bath or putting cucumbers on your eyes. This is a deepe...

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How to Improve Your Mood Instantly

Ready to be in a better mood?  If you've noticed your moods going in all directions lately, there is so much that is unsettled these days, it can be challenging to maintain an even keel.


So... if you are looking for ways to improve your mood quickly, you’ve come to right place.  Read on for not only things to think about, but actionable practices to improve your mood, that you can use in your life right now.



Understanding mood and Its impact

The thing is, a person's mood not only...

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Dealing with Emotional Neglect?

Emotional neglect is a topic that can easily go under the radar. But it's pervasive, and knowing about it can empower you life. Have you ever had trouble expressing your needs; or worried that they wouldn’t be well-received, or that your feelings might not even matter.


Maybe you’ve been worried about what other people think of you, or you just don’t trust what you feel, if you can even identify it. And of course, let’s not forget pleasing people, ignoring your needs to maintain a relationshi...

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Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.