Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

How to Find Joy Every Day: 5 Secrets for a Happier New Year

focus freedom joy Dec 28, 2023

While so many start a new phase or a new year with resolutions, it can be a setup for disappointment. Don't do it! Here are some practical pathways to set you up for more freedom, focus and joy. Not only are they straightforward and easy, they’ll give an instant boost and set you up for a happier and more meaningful year. Let’s dive in: 


1.     Unsubscribe: to all the subscriptions you no longer are interested in. If you haven’t used them, then lose them. Create more space – lighten

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How to Let Go + Find Greater Freedom

Have you ever felt that you needed to switch things up a bit?  Have you instinctively known that a part of you was ready for a shift? And that shift did not involve discovering new pursuits, people or passions. It was more subtle, more like a quiet call…a softer invitation to go inwards and rest in yourself?

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This has been true for me. It was not something sudden – it’s been a feeling that has been...

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Money got you stressed? Read This! ❤️


If you are worried about losing your job, your hours or life as you know it this next year, you are not alone. In a world wracked by change, it’s hard to feel certain about anything, including your financial future. What if you knew there was a way to not only express your dreams but to build a steady financial stream doing it?


Chris Guillebeau, New York Times bestselling author of the $100 Startup, Side Hustle, and The Art of Non-Conformity, is also the founder of the World Domination Summi...

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How to Make Hard Changes Easier!

Do you ever have people telling you to move on, clear the decks, “get rid” of things or people that are not in alignment with you? It could be a person, thing, job, opportunity, whatever you are pursuing. 

It’s hard to make a big change when you are caught up in a sea of challenges, some overt and some nagging below the surface. But it is possible, you owe it to yourself, and you can do this more easily when you operate in a conscious way. Today we’ll be covering:

  • How to spot the warning sig
  • ...
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Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.