Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

3 Ways to Manage Fear and Come Out Stronger

Sure there are many things to fear. There’s no denying that we live in uncertain times, it’s how we interpret our fear, the power we give to it, the weight we assign to it, that determines how it affects us. We have the power to dial it down in our own minds and interpret it in a way that serves us rather than crushes us. Here are 3 ways to deal with fear, that build on each other.  Let’s go!



1. Accept Your Fear

The first thing to do is notice what it is that you are feeling fear – acc...

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A Counterintuitive Way to Release Fear



It's hard to escape the fear that's in the air. Open the news - it can pummel you. If you know any friends affected by the virus, it becomes even more personal. It is normal for fear to take the front seat now - we have entered the unknown.


The first instinct might be the keep calm and carry on, which for many people is code for burying the emotion, only to have it show up later even more intensely. But what if there were a better way - a way of holding the fear to actually release it?  W...

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Signs of Hope in Tumultuous Times

While uncertainty is fanning the flames of fear, the flipside is that this is also an opportunity to manage our reactions, step into our strongest selves and help others do the same.


This is a super-challenging period, there is no doubt, but within that, what if we could also understand that we have two options: to drop into fear, or to take another perspective – one that helps us navigate these times, and come together to get through this global pandemic.


What if we could counter fear...

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How to Be Emotionally Strong in Challenging Times

REPRINTED FROM MEDIUM, March 14, 2020 - 7 Ways to Manage Fear

We live in a time of global upheaval — it can provoke rampant fear, and as human beings, we’re generally terrified of the unknown anyway. This is especially true when dealing with things we can’t control. On top of that, we also have a “negativity bias,” where negative events have a greater impact on our brain than positive ones. How can we manage our mindset, and what are some ways to cope with, not only, the epidemic of a

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Stressed Out - You Need to Know This!


Fear, worry, anxiety - sometimes it feels like these are getting the upper hand. Though we often confuse these words and interchange one for the other, it’s important to make a distinction, because ...this simple awareness is actually a way through.


Why? When you are aware, when you can discern what it is that is interrupting your natural flow,  "Am I in fear - what's causing it?  Am I just worrying about a problem that can be taken care of? Has this escalated into anxiety, and what can...

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Tired of Money Worries- Read This :)

Have you ever come to a realization that the path you were on was no longer working for you, and that you were changing but your life had not yet caught up? Kyle Cease, New York Times bestselling author and renown comedian, shares insights and AHAs that can change your perspective on money, success and authentic happiness for good!


Instead of letting the pursuit of money and the scarcity mentality suck you into a vortex of never-enoughness, Kyle’s new book, The Illusion of Money can help yo...

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Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.