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Tired of Money Worries- Read This :)

Have you ever come to a realization that the path you were on was no longer working for you, and that you were changing but your life had not yet caught up? Kyle Cease, New York Times bestselling author and renown comedian, shares insights and AHAs that can change your perspective on money, success and authentic happiness for good!


Instead of letting the pursuit of money and the scarcity mentality suck you into a vortex of never-enoughness, Kyle’s new book, The Illusion of Money can help you replace old beliefs with new clarity, and an unshakable sense of freedom.


Kyle Cease is a transformational comedian; he’s made more than 100 TV and movie appearances and has earned the #1 ranking on Comedy Central’s Stand-Up Showdown, but after 25 years of achieving what he thought were his dreams, he discovered that not only were they a lie, they were soul-crushing…and something new was emerging and could not be denied.


And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud

was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

                                      -Anais Nin


In this fascinating conversation on the Illusion of Money, and how to empower a new relationship with life itself, Kyle introduces new perspectives including:


  • The illusion of scarcity
  • In our attempt to create a sense of safety and security through money, we’re actually creating fear within ourselves that is blocking our ability to allow new possibilities to show up.
  • How much we’re accessing our brilliance depends only on how much we’re attached to the limited story that cuts us off from it.
  • How to use our minds as a tool to translate the infinite callings of our souls instead of blocking them.
  • Reclaiming ourselves as the source of our happiness, our joy, our excitement, our creativity, our fulfillment, and our freedom.



So, grab a tea, get snuggled in and enjoy the interview. Then, we’d love to hear what aspect resonated most, and what shifts that is sparking inside of you. Leave a comment below and do share with your friends who could use an uplifting perspective.


Remember, you have tremendous inner resources to rebound from any challenge, to gain clarity over what is really important, and to realign your dreams… That is true power.

With much love,





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Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy thatโ€™s on our own terms.