Even if you’ve had a challenging year, (and who hasn’t) the end of the year is an opportunity to position yourself in the best way possible for the year ahead. Here are a few ways to wrap up the year equipped with greater awareness, presence and clarity. Who couldn't use some more of that?
Reflect on how much you’ve already achieved, and how far you have come. Reflect on the effort you’ve put in, the strength you’ve shown, and the subtle moments of grace you’ve experienced.
Celebrate you...
Post-Traumatic Growth, PTG, is all about going through something harrowing, but instead of it flattening you, it can make you bounce back stronger, have greater meaning, and make you feel more alive. Sound good?
Though this term is not as widely known, many people have heard of PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, which can start when people witness sudden life threatening events: the shocking death of someone you love, a violent personal assault, a mass shooting, being at war. Resu...
There certainly are enough negative things going on in the world today - thinks that shock our systems and take us off course. What if instead of getting burdened or even buried by them, we could use aspects to reframe our thinking and bring us back to a more positive perspective? I’m not saying walk through life with rose-colored glasses – just experiment with a way to tap into your resiliency, so you can move forward. This involves looking at things in a counterintuitive way. Let’s explore.
Everyone knows someone who has been furloughed or fired. It’s an atmosphere that can eat away at your confidence. That's why it's SO important to keep yourself in a good place. Today we’ll be talking about 7 ways to stay strong or emerge even stronger in uncertain times.
Most of us think we have all the time in the world. If we can’t get to something today, there's always tomorrow. There’s a good reason for this; at the end of the day, you have to say the day is done, tomorrow is another day, which is all true. However, here’s an invitation: what if you could wake up each morning, not with a sigh, but with anticipation. I wonder what the day will bring. What can I be excited about, what could I do to surprise myself or someone else, to feel more alive? So let...
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Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.