#1 Truth – We all want love; in fact, we need it to survive. As children, we grow up in families where the parents or caregivers are doing the best they know how, but oftentimes they themselves did not grow up in a secure household, so they don’t know how to model that for their kids. Have you ever felt yourself to be in that situation?
Most children had to find a way to navigate that landscape, to get whatever love was available. Why? Love means life, and bonds are necessary for surviva...
In times of tumultuous challenges, we can either be swept up by the tides or learn how to ride the waves. I am blessed with amazing kids who are learning these very same things (as are most of us!) Yesterday I received calls from two of them: one who had seen a father taken from his family while his wife and daughter were helplessly sobbing. Another spoke of internal alarms going off about the future of the postal system and what that could imply. They are feeling people, and yesterday it ...
Amazing!! I recently interviewed Matt Kahn to talk about awakening in challenging times. If you don’t know him already, Matt is the author of the best-selling books Whatever Arises, Love That, Everything Is Here To Help You and The Universe Always Has A Plan. As a highly attuned empathic healer, his over 17 million YouTube channel viewers are finding support in healing the body, awakening the soul, and transforming reality through the power of love.
We spoke about how we are in a global wak...
The ego plays a big part in all of our lives. And it is a huge advantage to understand it better. This is the stuff we don’t talk about much, for a very good reason. By and large, it shows up as an unconscious reaction, when we get triggered. Since relationships can do that from time to time (haha), let's take a deeper look at what can help.
First of all, what is the ego? We are not born with an ego – it develops to help support/protect you when your reality is challenging, confusing, ...
There’s something brewing, and it’s happening around the world. I just learned that Denmark has a National Movement against Loneliness, the UK appointed a Minister for Loneliness, There’s an Australian Coalition to End Loneliness, and in a survey done in the US, 46% of people self-reported as lonely.
What’s up, and what can we do about it?
Can we agree that friendship is such an important part of life? Not only does it help us live longer, heal faster, and have more energy, we are soci...
Thanksgiving is a time to come together to reconnect, enjoy a harvest feast, and appreciate life, including the people around us. Yet for so many, it’s not all stuffing your face and laughter. Family dynamics may be strained at the outset, and in contentious times, it’s easy to get sucked into focusing on what we don’t agree on. Here are some tips to make the most of this genuinely awesome occasion:
1. Find the Humor and Tap into Forgiveness
When Aunt Sally does her thing, when Grandpa is g...
“You cannot erase memories, but you can let go of the heavy energy that is attached to them.” – Yung Pueblo
No one can go through life without being hurt by another human - often it’s not intentional, but it can certainly feel that way. What do you do with those emotions? How do you transcend, forgive and move on?
Sometimes forgiveness has two levels – the more obvious is forgiving someone else who hurt us or someone we love. But there’s another level too – forgiving ourselves. When...
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Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.