I just read an article from Greater Good Science Center (a great resource) that reported that around the world almost a quarter of people 15 years old or older reported being very or fairly lonely. It also quoted a study that found “midlife Americans were much lonelier than their British and European counterparts.” Interesting. And it’s getting worse. Today we’ll unpack the reasons why, and explore what to do to make things better.
Are you ever lonely? For most people, it’s not something the...
There’s something brewing, and it’s happening around the world. I just learned that Denmark has a National Movement against Loneliness, the UK appointed a Minister for Loneliness, There’s an Australian Coalition to End Loneliness, and in a survey done in the US, 46% of people self-reported as lonely.
What’s up, and what can we do about it?
Can we agree that friendship is such an important part of life? Not only does it help us live longer, heal faster, and have more energy, we are soci...
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Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.