Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

More Celebration & Make it Meaningful :)

Are you ready for a year of more joy? If we’re lucky enough to have new turns around the sun; it’s so important to celebrate. And meaningful celebration is the best – it’s what we remember, and it’s what puts a smile in our hearts. My friend is celebrating her 60th birthday. She’s bringing together old friends and new and marking the milestone. I encourage you to do the same, whenever the inspiration arises.


Though time is one thing we do not...

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The Easiest Path to Happiness Ever

awe happiness joy wonder Apr 10, 2024

Want more happiness?  Get more awe and wonder in your life. If you’ve ever witnessed an eclipse, stood in the dark under a starlit sky, or witnessed the breathtaking magic of a double rainbow, you have unintentionally but fully, entered one of the most amazing states a human can enter: a state of awe.


It can happen in a concert when you are totally immersed in the music, when you are moved deeply by a painting or poem, seeing a baby born, or staring at a majestic view from a...

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10 Tips for A Happier (Mid)Life

habits happiness joy midlife Apr 04, 2024


What does happiness mean to you? Happiness is a lot of things to a lot of people, It’s a  perspective, it’s something we can train our brain towards, and it’s also a habit. The happiest or most peaceful people, share some similar qualities. Today, I wanted to give them to you in the form of 10 tips  to embrace midlife and Be Happier.  See which ones you already have, and which you want to dial up:


The happiest people:

Explore their creativity or...

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How to Find Joy Every Day: 5 Secrets for a Happier New Year

focus freedom joy Dec 28, 2023

While so many start a new phase or a new year with resolutions, it can be a setup for disappointment. Don't do it! Here are some practical pathways to set you up for more freedom, focus and joy. Not only are they straightforward and easy, they’ll give an instant boost and set you up for a happier and more meaningful year. Let’s dive in: 


1.     Unsubscribe: to all the subscriptions you no longer are interested in. If you...

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Finding Joy in Anxious Times

anxiety joy stress relief Nov 02, 2023

Life can be stressful and overwhelming, especially during periods where uncertainty is off the charts, when fear is escalating, and when every day brings more stories of suffering.  This blog is a reminder that we are not stuck there.


While the experience of happiness is often dependent on external circumstances, joy is an inner state of being that can be cultivated no matter what is happening around us. It’s a feeling of peace, contentment, gratitude, and connection that...

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From Comparison Into Joy

comparison joy mindset Jun 22, 2023

There’s no doubt that we live in a culture that is constantly comparing – what people have, what they look like, achievements, vacations, children, friends – it can be ridiculous! This is important because it chips away at our self-confidence.  All this is not only supported, but actually fueled by social media, and it affects not only ourselves (to the extent we let it) but also our kids, and the next generation. Enough already! Here are 5 ways to break free.


  1. ...
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10 Ways to Escape the Rut & Live a Better Life

Have you ever felt that you just needed an inspiration activation; and that life was getting stale, even soul-crushing at times? That’s actually an important wake-up call because it blasts opens the DESIRE to try something new“And the day came when the risk to remain tight In a bud was more painful than the risk It took to blossom.” – Anais Nin.   Let's jump into 10 ways to activate your inspiration, energy, and joy:



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The Path to Self-Acceptance

We've all heard of self-love, but most people find it hard to even accept themselves fully. We are immersed in a culture of feeling "not enough." Yet, it is this very quality of self-acceptance that’s the foundation of inner peace, confidence, and even success, however you define that for yourself. The question is how to get there? Here are 3 pathways to self-acceptance.


1.Make Yourself a Non-Judgment Zone

Write down 3 things you like about yourself, and three...

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Making the Next 10 Years the BEST 10 Years!


As a new decade rolls in, this is the perfect opportunity to reinvent your life according to who you are now and who you want to step into. What if you could create the most vibrant, alive, juicy, creative expansive decade of your life?

I’m taking a stand right now, and you can join this commitment to make the next 10 years the BEST 10 years. And to help jumpstart this I’m so excited to share a free video series to SET YOU UP! In this moment, though, consider what you...

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50% Complete

Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.