Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

From Confusion to Clarity

emotions journaling mindset Jan 12, 2023

What better way to start something new than to get the direction and the answers from ourselves? Whether it's a practice you've tried or something new in your life, journaling has several aspects that make it so darn appealing:

  1. It helps get rid of emotional residue, by getting our thoughts on paper. Think of it clearing a traffic jam in the brain.
  2. It’s also a way of connecting to our inner GPS in order to receive greater clarity on any given topic.
  3. Journaling helps us create new habits...
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How to Deal with Overwhelm!

Overwhelm has been described as 20-foot wave crashing into you. We all have those moments when it all gets to be too much. Too much pressure, too much intensity of anger, sadness, fear, or worry can all provoke either an outburst, a state of paralysis, or even panic.  Waves are never static though, they come and go. What if you had more ways to surf the wave, and bring you back to yourself? Here are some reminders that you CAN take agency in your life....

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3 Keys to Emotional Resilience


Resilience can be seen two ways - like a tree that sways in the storm but doesn't break, OR it can be what in Japan is called Kintsugi - the idea of repairing a ceramic bowl with gold in the broken places - the quality of putting together the broken pieces, to create something new, stronger and even more beautiful. Broken but repaired. Not shattered but stronger.


One thing that is a huge help is our perspective. There is a wonderful piece going around the internet, called WE ARE NOT IN...

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Want to relieve stress fast? Here’s how – good for humans of all ages!

There is no doubt that we are living in challenging times. Working from home, juggling schedules, kids, homework, and all the emotions that come with this new uncharted territory. When you or your family need a quick reset, to bypass the mind and get to a calmer place quickly, here’s something you can do yourself or together.


First of all, take a seat, or this can even be done lying down. Imagine a color that represents to you peace and calm and serenity and joy. What is...

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Stressed Out - You Need to Know This!


Fear, worry, anxiety - sometimes it feels like these are getting the upper hand. Though we often confuse these words and interchange one for the other, it’s important to make a distinction, because ...this simple awareness is actually a way through.


Why? When you are aware, when you can discern what it is that is interrupting your natural flow,  "Am I in fear - what's causing it?  Am I just worrying about a problem that can be taken care of? Has...

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Surprising technique to release stuck energy

Have you ever felt your energy running low, and you knew something was off but could not quite pinpoint what was going on? Often our emotions are out of balance, which can be a drain to the whole system. 


Jin Shin Jyutsu, is an ancient technique, which originated in Japan, was rediscovered in the past century and is now being used in integrative medicine (UCSD Center for Integrative Medicine) for a wide variety of conditions. This simple but powerful technique can be...

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Angry? Watch this before doing something you regret!


Let’s understand what anger is...

Anger is part of our emotional vocabulary.  Maybe you’ve felt anger towards yourself, a family member, colleague, partner, the dog, traffic, the state of the world (who hasn't....).  There are many degrees of anger ranging from frustration to white hot rage.

Anger is a signal that something is not right - maybe a boundary has been violated, maybe you feel you are being prevented from getting something you really want;...

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Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.