I just read an article from Greater Good Science Center (a great resource) that reported that around the world almost a quarter of people 15 years old or older reported being very or fairly lonely. It also quoted a study that found “midlife Americans were much lonelier than their British and European counterparts.” Interesting. And it’s getting worse. Today we’ll unpack the reasons why, and explore what to do to make things better.
Are you ever lonely? For most people, it’s not something the...
There are stages in life when making friends is easy – school years, then as parents when our children are growing up, or in a work environment. Friendship is important. We all know that, but why? “A review of 38 studies found that adult friendships, especially high-quality ones that provide social support and companionship, significantly predict well-being and can protect against mental health issues such as depression and anxiety—and those benefits persist across the life span.” We need good f...
Now, with so much going on in the world that is out of our control, how do we feel hope and a sense of agency in our lives? How can we feel that life is progressing? Here's a thought. Are you open to waking up the resilience, the resourcefulness, and the fearlessness that are at the core of who you are? Your true essential self is very strong. You were born with this inner strength and with the capacity for resilience. The good news is that these can be easier to access under the right conditio...
We all want better relationships - at the end of the day that’s what we’ll remember, right? Today we’re talking about a brand new way to know how compatible you are with the important people in your life.
Know Yourself - most people go through life unconscious that we have been conditioned to react or take on certain roles because of how we were brought up. Love and relationships start when we are babies, and we develop certain coping mechanisms as ways of securing love and safety. So ...
Reprinted From Huffpost:
Some believe that you can find yourself as the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. This goes for friendships, too. Here are some of the qualities that I am grateful for in my friends. While different people have different qualities, just thinking about them makes me smile. Especially in crazy times, a good friend to talk with makes all the difference... Take a look and see which qualities you can match to the people in your lives.
We all wish we could have peace all the time, but a funny thing - life happens. In this climate of close quarters, high stress, and divisiveness, these skills can help you more than you know. Whether it’s friendship issues, political views, or parent-child struggles, here are 5 things to do when you find yourself in an atmosphere of disagreement and even judgment.
1. Pay Attention To Your Emotions:
When there is tension between you and others, if others are taking a tantrum, consider w...
In times of tumultuous challenges, we can either be swept up by the tides or learn how to ride the waves. I am blessed with amazing kids who are learning these very same things (as are most of us!) Yesterday I received calls from two of them: one who had seen a father taken from his family while his wife and daughter were helplessly sobbing. Another spoke of internal alarms going off about the future of the postal system and what that could imply. They are feeling people, and yesterday it ...
Sitting around the house in closed quarters can have its pressure cooker moments. It’s really good to plan in advance for when those moments arise, and have some go-to strategies at the ready whenever you may need them. Today, I want to give you 5 ways to handle whatever comes your way, specifically in the form of 5 questions you can ask yourself:
1. What am I feeling in this moment?
This activates your awareness, not only about what is going on around you, but also about what is going on ...
Most of us think we have all the time in the world. If we can’t get to something today, there's always tomorrow. There’s a good reason for this; at the end of the day, you have to say the day is done, tomorrow is another day, which is all true. However, here’s an invitation: what if you could wake up each morning, not with a sigh, but with anticipation. I wonder what the day will bring. What can I be excited about, what could I do to surprise myself or someone else, to feel more alive? So let...
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Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.