When the feeling of "not being enough" pops up, it can have many faces...and all of them can tend to keep us stuck. Have you ever been in a situation where you were plagued with thoughts that others know so much more than you, and that the risk was high that people would find that out? Or even though you did an excellent job, you could not even appreciate it, never mind take it in? Then, there are the “shoulds” – “It should be perfect the first time, I should know everything about this, I should be able to do it all.”
Many people hold themselves to an unrealistic and unsustainable standard of success, and when they don’t meet these unrealistic standards they feel real shame. But something interesting has come through the research of Dr. Valerie Young, revealing that failure-related shame is different for different people.
Why? Because we don’t define competence, being good enough, in the same way. The good news is that by adjusting your beliefs about what it takes to be competent, you can break free. So let’s look at how these obstacles may show up for you and what to do about them. I find myself straddling two categories, perfectionism and superwoman. We are all works in progress, and becoming more aware gives us options.
So, are You more like the:
PERFECTIONIST: If you feel that your work has to be 100% perfect all the time or else you feel the sting of failure, or if even though a project went 95% went beautifully, you obsess on the little part that didn’t meet your standards. you’re caught in the Perfectionist’s trap.
How to shift:
EXPERT: expects that they have to know everything, so when they don’t, then feelings of failure or shame come to visit. Many women in particular, won’t apply for a new job unless they have all the qualifications, or feel like they need multiple certifications to know enough.
How to shift:
SOLOIST: To the Soloist, the unwritten rule is that to succeed, she or he has to be the one to figure out the problem, to deliver the results, and basically to save the day. Needing help is seen as a failure and shame, because in their perception, that is a sure sign of incompetence and weakness.
How to shift:
THE NATURAL GENIUS: To the natural genius, competence looks like achieving their goals effortlessly, gracefully and on their first attempt. The standard they hold themselves to is that they are must be naturally gifted at something; they are used to accolades. If they don’t succeed at something beyond their comfort zone, they disconnect and suffer humiliation and shame.
How to shift:
SUPERWOMAN/SUPERMAN: This type determines their level of competence and contentment by how many hats they can wear, how many roles they can handle simultaneously and seamlessly. If they don’t excel in any one of the roles they have taken on (partner, colleague, friend, parent, volunteer, house manager, caretaker) they consider themselves a failure and can feel shame.
One clue is that they may get their identity by the fact that they are working longer than others. They may sacrifice their hobbies and pleasures because of the skewed perspective that they have to do it all. A Fast Company article describes them as actually "addicted to the validation that comes from working, not to the work itself."
How to shift:
You can have more confidence and I'll share how! Click the link for the FREE Download of the CONFIDENCE chapter from my latest book Emotional Advantage. ENJOY!
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Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy thatโs on our own terms.