21 Day Happiness Challenge

Start The New Year with the Science-backed 21 Day Happiness Challenge! Begins Jan 01

You'll also gain access to Randy's weekly inspirations and, of course, you can unsub anytime

Are you ready to live a happier more fulfilling life?


Are your ready to leave 2021 behind and stretch into a more positive future?


Then This Challenge is for you!


The happiness challenge will walk you through daily proven activities and processes that will help you create a happiness routine, train your mind and emotions, and challenge you to take action that brings you tremendous joy and satisfaction.

Reserve Your Free Spot

In this 21 Day Happiness Challenge you will learn about:

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Reduce Stress

Learn ways to feel calmer

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Bounce Back Faster

Use this secret to resiliency

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Grow Happiness Habits

Empower your experiences

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Master Your Mind

Awareness leads to better choices

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Body Wisdom

Befriend your body

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Greater Optimism

Activate a positive perspective

Reserve Your Free Spot